Thursday, 15 September 2011

New products - Small Tweeter Model 新迷你小型燕屋喇叭

Together with Company's New Ultrasonic Industrial Humidifier and help fixing most Birdhouse owner fixing the yellow birdnest problems.. Now, is the turn of our TWO New Tweeters Model in your selections.

Pictures below shows TWO types of New Tweeter in your selection. 以下图像显示两款新加入的燕屋喇叭

Friday, 2 September 2011

黄色燕窝的问题 Yellow Birdnest issues..

Birdnest turn in yellow color when high level of ammonia existed in the area. Warm conditions in the Birdhouse causes vaporization, anything with water contain will be vaporize in the air, this includes Ammonia which is available in bird’s waste. Without a proper system, ammonia will stay in your birdhouse and causes yellow birdnest.

We have targeted this problem and come out with one system that makes most birdnest in white condition, less fur, and even increase production by 20%. A system without any chemical or artificial stimulation usage.

With yellow birdnest Graded as low quality birdnest nowadays, issues on exporting, health concern. We strongly suggest you get contact with us, we will provide our system to you with prove.

System that been created to avoid High-ammonia yellow Birdnest. We provide you a way to get Clean White ‘Low-ammonia’ Birdnest !